Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Material Girl

Dress - Primark, Coat - Bank, Bag/Shoes - S**t Shop

What a awesome outfit to end 2013 in - a cute-as-a-button dress, a faux fur coat, studded ankle boots, a posh bag and my handsome little Henry!

Monday, 30 December 2013

Sunday, 29 December 2013

I Believe In A Thing Called Love

Tee/Cardi - Primark, Belt - Vintage, Skinnies - Asda


Aw this is the last EVER #FlashbackSunday (and good thing it is too as there are no more pics of me pre-2013) and I thought I would end it with a picture of me in some kind of weird outfit (Why would you wear this Chantal?!) with a baboon's bottom. 

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Magic Carpet Ride

Hat - ASOS, Coat - Charity Shop, Jeans - Primark, Boots - Office

Thought I would brighten up my whole black goth outfit with a bit of the lovely Effie Trinket. 

Friday, 27 December 2013

Because The Night

Fur Coat - Red or Dead at Bank, Tee - TK Maxx, Ripped Skinnies/Bag - Primark, Boots - Office

Oh god, why aren't I a rockstar yet :( 

Thursday, 26 December 2013

L.A Woman

Onesie/Slippers - Christmas Presents, Simba - Disney Shop

What's the point of getting changed on Boxing Day when all you're going to do is eat chocolate and watch TV? NO POINT AT ALL (tbf all I do everyday is eat chocolate and watch TV.)

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Heart Of Gold

Flower Crown/Glitter Brogues - Primark, Lace Dress - TK Maxx, Amazing Coat - Bank

HOW AMAZING IS THIS COAT?! I love it soooo much - it's all i've been looking for and now it has finally came to me HELLZ YES. 

Merry Christmas BTW bitchezzzzzz.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

19th Nervous Breakdown

Jacket - H&M, Dress - Tara Starlet, Necklace/Clutch - Primark, Boots - Office

Soz about the windswept look - but it is rather chilly out there! Dad and I went to Brasserie Hudson Quay today (Christmas Eve) for Christmas lunch and it was yummy as!

Monday, 23 December 2013


Hat - H&M, Tartan Jacket, GNR Tee/Ripped Skinnies - Primark, Boots - Office

We have nowhere to put a normal-sized Christmas tree in our living room - so we have this cute dinky one in our dining room with the most amount of baubles on it ever AWWW BLESS IT. 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Last Nite

Plastic Bow/Skinnies - Primark, Scarf - Goth Shop, Hoodie - JD Sports


I don't know what's up with that plastic bow either - yack! I haven't been to Whitby in FOREVER (this was Whitby BTW i'm not just being random) somebody take me so I can go hang out with all me gothy mates. 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Love Bites

Parka - Primark, Napoli Scarf - Dads, Skinnies/Shoes - Topshop

Can somebody buy us a nice new carpet for Christmas please as I am sick of this floral fugliness matching my leopard print shoes. 

Was this a 'How many random things can I hold in my hands?' picture BTW - I have no idea why I am am holding on to the remote for dear life and showing off Diego Maradona's head like it's a baby chick or something. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Bad Moon Rising 2

Jumper - Charity Shop, Skirt - Primark, Boots - Office

Aw, this was a cute outfit - except that the majority of the time my skirt kept creepin' up making it look like I was just wearing a jumper and a pair of boots like some kind of cold prossie. So i'll make sure I wear trousers next time. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Caravan Of Love

Hat - River Island, Cardi - Charity Shop, Mockingjay - District 12, Skinnies - Topshop, Boots - Office

I feel like a ninja witch in this outfit (minus the amazingly ugly cardigan.)

Monday, 16 December 2013

Winter Wonderland

Westie Jumper - Charity Shop, Skinnies - River Island, Shoes - Topshop

We bloody love westies in our 'ouse - can't turn your head without seeing one (or ten.)

Sunday, 15 December 2013

No One Knows

Tee - New Look, Levis - Vintage, Ballerinas - Topshop


Aw look at my authentic tan. I'm not orange at all so why is fake tan always orange? Fake tan never looks real - chavs need to lay off the stuff and just go on holiday. 

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Subterranean Homesick Blues

Hat - Kindamajik, Tee - Primark, Skinnies - Urbz Outfitters, Boots - S**t Shop

Totes forgot I bought these jeans (for a barganious £5) until I picked them out of my 'drobe thinking they were another pair of black ripped skinnies. I love them and I totes look like Noel Fielding in this outfit - he is my style inspiration.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Paradise City 5

Cat Jumper - Cat Charity Shop, Skinnies - Topshop

OMGz I love my fugly cat jumper soooo much - it's the best jumper ever. Funny thing is though it's by an actual brand so tons of these babies got produced rather then some crazy cat lady knitting cats winning gold at the Olympics. 

It was National Christmas Jumper day at work today so we all dressed up in our coolest seasonal sweaters - big props to John and his totes fetch crazy cardi. 

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Foxy Lady

Dress - Urbz Outfitters, Velvet Dolly Shoes - Topshop

Totes felt like Wednesday Addams in this dress again - it's a firm fav. Yes that is all my Christmas shopping you see behind me (still need to get more though - you gotta love last minute shopping but do you know what you do get all the bargains on Christmas Eve TBH.)

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Good Times Bad Times

Necklace - Vintageous Rags, Shirt - Romwe, Skinnies - River Island, Boots - Topshop

Aw I bloody love my life-sized Lady & Tramp - they are megz cute and cuddly (I wish they were real though booo.)


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Come As You Are

Rudolph Head - The Porritts, Dress - Zara, Necklace - Topshop, Boots - S**t Shop

Now, i'm in the Christmas spirit! My house still looks like it's July though (this beautiful Christmas palace is my BFFs house BTW.)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Go Your Own Way 2

Jacket - H&M, Paisley Dress - Asda, Necklace - Matalan, Bag/Brogues - Primark

Today I went to work dressed as a librarian - not a sexy one or owt (i'm too cool to be sexy) just a normal boring librarian. COR I wish I was a librarian, I bloody love organising things by genre then A-Z. 

Sunday, 8 December 2013


Bodywarmer - Vintage, Scarves/Shirt/Jeans - Primark, Boots - Charity Shop


I have NO idea what this outfit is about - I must have been going to a farm or something that day. That is the only reason why I would be in this country bumpkin gimmick.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Bad Moon Rising 2

Hat/Scarf/Bling - Primark, Tee - eBay, Jeans - River Island, Converse - Bank

I wish you didn't have to make yourself presentable to go out in public and that everyone just thought nothing if they seen you in PJs and no make-up as that was the norm. But nah I actually had to put on clothes despite wanting to stay in bed all day to go to Tesco GRRR SUPERMARKETS.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Jolly Holiday

Mickey Mouse - Disney Shop, Hoodie - Teesside University, PJs - Primark

Megz poorly and sick today - so I just stayed in my PJs all day and watch Daytime TV (which is so bad right now - don't know how people can watch it day in and day out.)

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Wrecking Ball 3

Hat/Dress - ASOS, Boots - Office

A studded hat with a fringe velvet dress and a rockin' pair of flat ankle boots - what more could I ever want in an outfit?!?!?!

Convo between me and my dad in this outfit. Me: "Do I look cool?" Dad: "No you look eccentric" Me: "Yeessss that's the look I was going for."

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Sky Is A Landfill

Hat - River Island, Jumper - S**t Shop, Skirt - Charity Shop, Ballerinas - Primark

THAT PANDA RETURNED AGAIN! - What an A*Hole he bloody well is. Stop stealing my clothes and poses panda man. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Hallelujah 2

Beanie/Christmas Socks - Primark, Jumper - Republic, Aztec Jeans - ASOS, Boots - S**t Shop, M&S Bag - M&S

I bloody love this shop for life M&S bag - it's a dead good shape for files etc. It's my new fav thing. Although TBF I do feel like Roy Cropper with it but it's okay as he is MEGZ COOL. 

Monday, 2 December 2013


Hat - ASOS, Undertaker Jumper - eBay, Skirt/Shoes - Topshop

I've just realised after looking at this pic that I look like The bloody Undertaker in that bloody hat - oh well RESSSTTT INNN PEEEAACCEEE bitcheeezzzz. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Helmet & Mjolnir - Asgard (aka Toys R Us), Jacket/Dress - Primark, Necklace - Matalan


Just call me Mrs Thor Odinson.