Sunday, 19 October 2014

(Ghost) Riders in the Sky

Dress/Boots - S**t Shop

Thought I would be all artsy-fartsy and pretentious like some art house independent french film and just put focus on ALL the balloons and keep everything else black and white! 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

He's A Tramp

Hat/Dress - Primark, Shirt - Topshop, Boots - S**t Shop

How totes D&G and quiche is this dress and OMGz it was £1!!!!! BARGAIN OF THE YEAR. 

I was told I looked 'different' in this outfit today but in a derogative way EEEE - I <3 this outfit, I think I look mint as owt. 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Mad World

Levs Jacket - Primark, Dress - River Island, Clutch - New Look, Tights - Les Queues De Sardines, Boots - S**t Shop

Such a ghetto-chic goth me like mate.